
Fae dragon vtuber

Mimizu's lore
(made by EvanEsant)
My TreasureMimizu was bored.
After seven thousand years living with her hatch mother in the Great Fae Nest, she had been nothing but excited to explore the world, unlock her magical potential and find amazing riches to hoard. She had heard stories about her older siblings settling in ruins, or conquering cities, or digging up ancient artifacts of unspeakable power, and she wanted to do something just like that.
So clearly she was frustrated when after a century in the human realm, she was still living in the same dirt hole that she found when she first came to this world.
This wasn’t at all what Mimizu had wanted. Where was her treasure? Her land? Her power? This stupid ditch she had been living in was supposed to be an awe inspiring cave, adorned with gold, diamonds and jewelry. Instead all she got was rainwater.
She was sick of this. So what if she was a good deal smaller than her siblings, and couldn’t perform magic as well as the rest of them, and had a cave that smelled of rainy mold!
She would go out and have an adventure too!
…And preferably soon, because her hole in the ground was starting to overflow.
Mimizu flew lazily over the storm clouds gathered below, thinking how best to have an adventure. An hour passed, then two as she glided along, daydreaming. She wondered what kind of treasures were there in the human realm. A century of boredom and laziness had given her zero information on what humans were even like. The only things her mother ever told her
about them were to ignore them unless they tried to attack, in which case they would make a
good snack. At the time, Mimizu had thought that piece of advice was all there was to know
about humans, but looking back, she didn’t think her mother had ever tried to converse with
them at all.
She shook her head, realizing she was getting off topic. The biggest priority for her
should be figuring out what her future cave will be filled with. Many times, she had seen her
older siblings bring back tribute in the form of their most preferred treasure. It was usually gold,
some gemstones or rare metals of the like, but some dragons, like her, had more exotic tastes.
Truthfully, she never had seen the point of hoarding the equivalent of shiny rocks so
much. Sure they were beautiful, but they seemed to bring in more trouble than good. Indeed,
Mimizu had witnessed firsthand the damage humans could bring to her siblings, desiring the
treasures they kept in their lairs. Every so often, one of her older brothers or sisters would return
to the Great Fae Nest to recover and heal injuries, some near life threatening.
No, Mimizu wanted none of that. Not only could she never hope to defend herself
against something that could injure a strong dragon like her older siblings, she didn’t want to
have to fight for her treasures. She had never intentionally hurt any living thing if she didn’t
absolutely need to. Her family had mocked her for not wanting to eat animals, but she just
couldn’t live with the fact that an innocent creature needed to die just because she was a little
Mimizu shook her head again, clearing her mind of those depressing memories. That
settled it. No gold or jewels for her. She would just have to find something else to adorn her
future cave. But then what?
She had thought back to all the hoards of varied treasure her older brothers and sisters
kept. One of them lived in an abandoned castle, and had every hall, room and wall crammed
with artwork from all corners of the world. He often brought back tapestries or paintings of
mismatched color, parading it around and claiming that it was the most beautiful thing in
existence. Another lived in the forest, tending to a garden full of beautiful and delicious herbs,
trees and spices. Fruits of every description were brought back as tribute when this dragon
returned, and Mimizu greatly appreciated the gifts, considering her aversion to eating meat.
She deliberated on what treasures to collect for a while longer before something below
the clouds caught her attention. It had been several hours by this point, and she realized she was
no longer flying over a storm, but carefully cultivated farmland. And next to those farms was a
small but quite active village.
How interesting…
Mimizu slowed her pace, observing the humans in the village. They really were
interesting. What were they doing, waving those flags and marching down the village like that?
She had to know.
Casting a quick invisibility spell, she landed on a human den to get a closer look at what
she was doing. She appreciated being small enough to be able to sneak around unnoticed, and
her weight didn’t cause any of the human dens to collapse. Now, what were they doing?
“Festival fruits and bread for sale!” A human shouting into the crowd caught Mimizu’s
attention. “Revel in the bounty of the annual harvest together! Free for the festival today only!”
Mimizu’s eyes were locked onto the human and the fresh loaf of bread he waved in his
hand. Her draconic senses were all telling her that she wanted some of the food he was giving
out. But she was a dragon. Dragons were dignified in their appearance and actions, and they did
not go begging for handouts from a human.
But it looked so good…
Before Mimizu even realized what she had done, she had cast a simple shapeshifting spell
onto herself. If any of her siblings could see what she had done, she’d be humiliated to no end. It
was considered shameful to cast this particular spell because, well… They were dragons. To try
to pretend you were anything else was the height of foolishness, as the dragon was the king of
beasts in any world.
Mimizu shook her now humanoid head, shaking the negative thoughts away as well as
getting used to her new body. There was very little chance of any of her siblings finding out
about this anyway, as long as she was quick.
Removing her invisibility, she cast a mirror in front of her, examining her handiwork.
She looked delicate, compared to her strong scaly dragon form. She had light, pale skin with
bright green eyes. Her soft, almost dainty face made her look childish, as if she weren’t millenia
old. Pink hair flowed down to her waist, and she was adorned in a simple white dress with a pink
skirt. She still had some draconic features, her wings, horns and tail had not changed along with
her transformation, but this was her first time trying shapeshifting. She’d learn over time.
All in all, Mimizu liked her new look. She stared at herself in the mirror, giggling to
herself, jumping up and down on her human feet, and spinning around in circles just for fun. It
felt surprisingly good to be in this new body. Natural, as if she had been this way for years,
instead of minutes.
The smell of something delicious broke Mimizu away from the mirror. She almost
forgot the reason why she had taken this form in the first place. Quickly, she hurried off the roof
and landed lightly in an alleyway. She hoped nobody had seen her dancing in front of a mirror
on top of a house, but after a minute passed and nothing happened, she felt it was safe to come out.
Mimizu had three revelations while walking around the town square. The first was that
large amounts of humans bunched up together made her very uncomfortable, as if everyone was
looking and judging her negatively. Was she standing out too much? Maybe her hair was too
bright, or her tail was getting in people’s way. She should’ve waited to improve her spell more.
What if the humans figured out what she really was?
Another tantalizing smell reached her nose and her worries instantly vanished as she
approached the new food stall. The second thing she had learned, by going to each and every
stall she walked past, was that human food was delicious. There wasn’t a single item she had
tried so far that she didn’t like, and with every new delicacy, she found herself wanting more and
The third thing she had realized was that, contrary to what her siblings had told her,
humans were actually really nice. Her siblings had told her that humans were nothing more
than greedy, selfish creatures that only cared about their own survival. They didn’t care if
something died, so long as they lived. Mimizu had lived on stories of her brothers and sisters
getting driven from their homes because a human desired the treasures they had and stole them
simply because they could.
Yet for some reason, Mimizu had received nothing but kindness from these humans.
They seemed eager to lavish her with food and praise, never expecting anything in return.
Mimizu had even tried to pay one of the humans, after he had given her an extra helping of fried
vegetables on a stick, but he declined, instead putting even more food into her hands.
Mimizu was conflicted. Which of the stories did she trust? Was this all a show? A plot to
attack her while her guard was down? Or were humans really not as bad as her family had said?
What if humans were kind deep down, and her family had only experienced their terrible side?
What if the opposite was true?
Mimizu was once again brought away from her thoughts by the smell of something
delicious in the air. She perked up, tracing the source of the smell to a small, cozy looking
cottage with steam rising from a chimney. A sign was set in front of the entrance with “The
Aurora Cafe” in big, bright lettering. A menu was listed below, detailing prices for various
beverages and foods she had never heard of before.
At the sight of this building and the sign out front, Mimizu hesitated. She had never
gone into a building yet, and she didn’t know if she should. She was using the crowd to blend
in, but she couldn’t do that in there, right? What if she stood out? What if they asked questions
about her horns, or wings, or tail? What if they figured out she was a dragon?
Right. She shouldn’t go in there. It might look inviting, and the smell was amazing, and
her mouth was watering at just thinking about what treats they might offer, but she still
shouldn’t. It was too dangerous. There was no telling what could happen, and if she needed to
escape, she definitely didn’t want to hurt anybody, or destroy the entire building. It was a
shame, but she could find other places-
“Hello, and welcome to the Aurora Cafe! My name’s Chloe, how can I serve you today?”
Mimizu looked up, startled out of her thoughts. She stared into the eyes of a girl who
couldn’t have been older than 16. She had light, caramel colored eyes that matched her short,
straight hair. She was a bit shorter than Mimizu’s humanoid form, and stood behind a glass
counter, where pastries of every variety were on display.
“I-” Mimizu started, her mind reeling.
What was she doing here? Didn’t she just tell herself she wasn’t going into this cafe? Was
she hypnotized into coming here? Was this a set-up?
“Um, ma’am? Can I help you?” The human, Chloe, asked. Mimizu startled again,
forgetting she was even here.
I need to stop doing that…
“Umm - yes. Hello. O-one please.” Mimizu stammered. She still wasn’t used to speaking
with a human mouth yet.
Mimizu didn’t exactly know what was going on, but there was food involved, so she
reverted to asking for “one”. That usually worked when asking the humans outside. Sometimes
she even got more.
The girl behind the desk giggled. “Our menu is right up there. We have drinks, pastries
and sandwiches. What would you like?”
Mimizu felt her face heat up. Of course that wouldn’t work. Why had she even tried? It
was definitely apparent that she didn’t know human customs, and it was only a matter of time
before everyone figured out she was a dragon. What would they do then? Would they attack her
like they did her siblings? She should get out of here. She should-
“Ma’am? Are you okay? It’s okay if you can’t read, I can read the menu to you. We have
“That. One of that. Please.”
Mimizu’s face was burning up by now, and she was sure the receptionist was calling for
help. She didn’t even want to look up at her anymore, too afraid of the face she would see the
girl make.
Another laugh, and then the same cheerful voice reached her ears. “Coming right up!”
The girl said.
Mimizu looked up, wide eyed. She wasn’t about to get attacked? Or threatened? Did she
not know she was a dragon yet?
“Can I get a name for the cocoa?”
“M-Mimizu,” She answered automatically, only realizing afterwards that she made a big
mistake. They knew her name now! That could be bad, if they knew the right spell to use they
“Mimizu. That's a pretty name,” The girl said with another giggle. “Alright, Mimizu,
your order will be ready shortly. You can take a seat over there, and we will call your name when
it’s ready!”
Mimizu hurried to take a chair, afraid to even look at the girl. She really screwed it up
now. It was only a matter of time before someone connected the dots and found out she was a
dragon. What was she going to do now? She didn’t want to hurt anyone, but she didn’t want to
go back to her rainy hole in the ground, either!
Soft chatter reached her ears, and Mimizu finally took a look around the building. What
she saw made her eyes widen. This place was absolutely bustling with humans. People were
sitting across from each other, chatting amicably, laughing or simply enjoying the atmosphere.
Some others were drinking something that smelled amazing, reading papers in front of them.
They all had smiles on their faces, sipping from sweet smelling mugs, or eating sticky pastries
Mimizu had seen at the counter. They all had smiles on their faces, and Mimizu felt her worries
drain away as she gazed around.
Mimizu watched all the happy faces in the cafe. She watched the humans talk, laugh,
play, enjoy their meals. She saw how the humans would greet each other as they came in, always
inviting, always cheerful.
Mimizu didn’t know what to feel. Centuries of stories of her family getting injured,
killed or worse by the same humans happy and laughing here made her wary. She had always
assumed humans were nothing more than barbarous beasts, no more capable of reason than any
animal. But here, they seemed as harmless as a pixie. Was it because she was in human form that
they were treating her so nicely? Yes, that must be it. Why else would they treat her with such
kindness if she didn’t look like one of them? Or maybe-
“Here’s your cocoa!”
Mimizu looked up to find herself face to face with the girl who took her order. She held a
mug of steaming brown liquid inside, and placed it down in front of Mimizu with a smile.
Mimizu smiled back involuntarily.
The girl didn’t leave however, and Mimizu’s smile disappeared as she took the seat right
across from hers. This wasn’t normal. Did she know who she was? Was she trying to blackmail
her? What was going on?
“You said your name was Mimizu, right? My name’s Chloe, but I already said that,
didn't I? I’ve never seen you around before Mimizu. Can I ask where you’re from?”
Mimizu froze. How should she answer? Should she answer? She didn’t think “The Great
Fae Nest” would be the appropriate answer to give to a human. So then what? She didn’t know
the names of any large cities in this realm, or any location at all for that matter. So what should
she answer with? What answer wouldn’t give away the fact she wasn’t a dragon?”
“...hello? Mimizu?” Chloe said, and only then did Mimizu realize she had been saying
her name for a while now.
“It’s alright if you don’t want to answer… I was just curious,” Chloe said placatingly. Her
smile was gone, and in its place was a concerned expression. Mimizu thought it looked wrong
on her dainty features.
“It-it’s fine. I’m just not from here. I don’t think you would know where I’m from,”
Mimizu spoke quietly.
Chloe brightened up instantly. “Really? What’s it like? I’ve always wanted to go outside
and travel, but mother never lets me go anywhere. What’s it like? Is it a big city? Does it have
magical castles like in the stories?”
Mimizu leaned back in her seat, and only then did Chloe realize she was leaning over the
table. She flushed, and sat back down with a mumbled apology.
“I just get excited about these things, you see. I’ve never left this village before and I’m
deadly curious. What is your home like?”
Mimizu hesitated, wondering the best way to answer. She wanted to indulge this human,

the first human she had ever had a proper conversation with, but then again , she was a human!
How was she supposed to explain dragon culture at all to a human?
“Well… there is a lot of magic,” she started, testing for a reaction. Chloe only nodded
excitedly, waving at her to continue.
“Our culture is based around a tree. M-my family calls it the mother tree. Others might
call it the World Tree.”
Chloe gasped, but didn’t say anything. Mimizu went on.
“We, I mean my people, were in charge of protecting and maintaining the tree’s health.
That’s my mother’s job, and my siblings and I help out from time to time. It was fun… but
sometimes it was scary too.”
A small part of Mimizu’s mind was yelling at her not to tell this human stranger so much
about herself. To listen to her brothers and sisters who had been attacked and sometimes killed
by the very same species she was gushing to right now. She didn’t care.
“The cities around the tree were just… beautiful. The roots were woven with diamond
and sapphire and made into dens. The rivers around the city were pure and clean, and the
bounty of the world tree kept all of us fed.”
“There was magic where I came from. Everywhere, there was magic. Even I could do
some basic spells.” She exhaled in amusement. “Although I wasn’t very good at them.”
“I had always wanted to explore. I thought everywhere was as beautiful as my home city.
At first I was disappointed, then angry, then betrayed. Where was the treasure? The magic? The
cities? After spending some time in the wilderness, all I wanted was to go back home. But
Mimizu hesitated, then hesitated some more as she realized what she was about to say.
And to a human she had just met too! She could feel her face start to heat up again, and tried to
hide her expression by drinking her now cold cup of cocoa.
“...You’re not from this world, are you?” Chloe asked quietly.
Mimizu froze. She knew it. She had said too much, and gave too much away now. What
was going to happen to her? Were all the humans going to try to kill her now? Was she going to
be forced out? She didn’t want that!
“Wait, no I didn’t mean it like that! Your hometown just sounded so magical and fancy
that I thought it might be from another world! Also, you look so much more different from
anyone I’ve seen before and you know what, just forget I said anything!...” Chloe was sputtering
now as Mimizu stared, expressionless. Her face was as red as Mimizu’s was a second ago.
Seeing the human like this, she felt something well up inside her, and she started to
smile. The smile turned into a giggle, and then full laughter as Chloe’s face only got redder.
Oh what the heck…
“You are correct, Chloe,” Mimizu said, looking her straight in the eyes for the first time.
The laughter threatened to escape again as she watched her face go from confused, to shocked,
to pure, childish excitement all in the span of five seconds.
“Really?!” Chloe exclaimed, drawing some amused stares from the other customers.
“Then… am I right? Are you really-”
“Yes,” Mimizu said, cutting her off before she could say the rest out loud.
Chloe squealed. “Eee! This is so cool! What’s it like flying? Doing magic? Do you have a
lair full of treasure somewhere near here? What-”
“Ssh! Please, please don’t spread this around!” Mimizu pleaded with the overexcited girl,
throwing her hands out to quiet her. “I don’t know what kind of attention that might bring to
me if people find out.”
Chloe nodded, looking down at the table in shame. “Sorry, I got excited,” she whispered.
“But what’s it like?”
“This is pretty much my first time going out in this world. I’m still very new here, and
this is my first time interacting with humans,” Mimizu said, pretending like she hadn’t already
spent a century living in a glorified ditch.
Chloe nodded slowly, clearly thinking of something. Mimizu waited. Maybe she had
another question for her that was difficult to say?
“Do you like it here?” Chloe asked quietly. She seemed oddly shy all of a sudden, and
Mimizu had to think hard on if there was a second meaning to that question. After a while, she
“It’s nice,” she said. “Everyone is happy and I like that.”
Mimizu didn’t know what else to say, but she knew she had said the wrong thing when
Chloe’s face started to turn red again.
“I didn’t mean it like that, I just… the atmosphere in here, it seems nice you know? I
didn’t…” Mimizu was stumbling over her own words, trying to apologize over a mistake she
didn’t know she caused.
“No, no it’s fine but…” She trailed off, still not meeting her eye. “Would you like to…
stay here? Maybe work here…?”
Mimizu’s eyes lit up, and her first instinct was to accept immediately. This was a perfect
chance, getting to stay here, and eat all the food she wanted, and… live with humans. As a
Minutes passed as she thought. Was she really going to do this? Live with humans? As a
dragon? Even discounting her family, this was still a big decision. She would need to relearn the
rules, learn human culture, everything. Plus, didn’t she still want to have adventures? Find
treasure? Unravel magical mysteries unsolved for millenia? Could she really give up all that just
for a human village?
She looked around the cafe again. The happy faces, the cheerful smiles, and the delicious
smell of melted chocolate and pastry. She watched as humans ate, laughed, talked, played. It was
all so mundane, at least compared to her home. But that was okay. She had never liked home
“Okay. I’ll do it,” Mimizu declared after five minutes of silence. Chloe, who had been
fidgeting uncomfortable for the entire time, lit up like the sun.
“You will?!” She half screamed, half squealed.
At Mimizu’s nod, she stood up in a whirl of motion. She grabbed Mimizu’s hand in
hers, practically dragging her over to the counter.
“Well, come on! What are you waiting for! Let’s get started! I have to show you around, show
you how to prepare food, introduce you to the other members, aah, this is going to be so much
fun! You need to tell me more stories about your home world too, it sounds so cool! By the way,
can I tell the other members what you really are? You are going to fit right in, don’t worry. Your
horns and wings are also really cute too…”
Well, you could call this an adventure, I suppose… Mimizu thought, while Chloe
chattered on.
“Here you go! One cinnamon bun and a medium coffee!” Mimizu said, placing a cup
and a paper bag on the counter.
A month had passed since she had visited this village, and Mimizu looked fondly over at
the one who had started it all. Chloe was reading a story in the corner to children, an activity she
was surprisingly good at. Mimizu had tried once, and after stammering through half the book,
much to the anger of the children, Chloe had graciously taken over. She chuckled at the
memory, remembering how much of a nervous wreck she was afterwards.
She looked over to the tables, where the adults ate their food and discussed various
topics. The heat seemed to be bothering the humans outside, not that it mattered to a dragon.
They commented on how nice and cool it always seemed to be in the Aurora Cafe, and Mimizu
felt a swell of pride as she remembered the frost spells she would occasionally cast to keep the
heat at bay.
“Mimizu! A coffee and croissant, for Evan,” One of her coworkers said, handing over
another bag with a cup. Mimizu nodded with a smile and called the name and order, handing
over the meal to the smiling boy at the counter.
It wasn’t quite an adventure. She didn’t get to learn powerful magic, or discover ancient
relics, or find a cave to turn into a castle. She didn’t get all the fascinating experiences her siblings
seemed to have. She didn’t have piles of gold, or jewels, or precious metals. But that didn’t really
matter to her.
This was her treasure